Scrutiny of Health Committee’s Ongoing Scrutiny around Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Dentistry and GP Appointments.
The Committee continues its focus on the above areas and has frequent updates detailing the current picture and addressing any issues it sees. The Chair has quarterly meetings with Wendy Balmain, North Yorkshire Place Director, Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board where issues are raised and discussed accordingly. Any Member is invited to attend the Scrutiny of Health Committee and give input or speak to the Chair directly on any matter.
A summary of the most recent scrutiny is detailed below.
YAS - Presentation to Committee on 16 June 2023
The Scrutiny of Health Committee received a presentation from Yorkshire Ambulance Service from Jeevan Gill, System Partnership Director and Helen Edwards, Associate Director of Communications and Community Engagement. This covered a number of main points of which are summarised below:
A discussion followed in which Members asked a number of questions, the link to the summary of this is below.
Printed minutes 16th-Jun-2023 10.00 Scrutiny of Health Committee.pdf (
NHS Dentistry
The Government recently launched an enquiry into dentistry following a survey that revealed 90% of practices across the UK were not accepting new adult NHS patients. The Committee provided a submission to the Health and Social Care Committee, this was discussed at the meeting on 10th March 2023, and the link to our submission is below.
The Committee submitted its evidence on 25th January and awaits the publication of the results.
Dentistry remains an issue across the County as well as overall and continues to be difficult to access due to varying factors:
· The national contract only requires a number of units of dental activity to be completed, and does not relate to the number of patients, however the commencement of dental reform may allow improved access
· Private practices do not have to provide NHS places
· Workforce shortages are having an adverse effect on accessibility and access to and provision of NHS dentistry
· Privatisation of dental practices.
· Issues can then have a knock-on effect on accident and emergency services, compounding further problems.
Care Quality Commission reports confirm that access to an NHS dentist has been an issue since long before the pandemic, but there are “clear signs” the problem has been compounded by Covid-19.
Area Constituency Committees can identify areas where provision is lacking and raise with the Chair of Scrutiny of Health who can liaise with the Executive Member & Department of Public Health. Outcomes identified can be communicated by letter to the Secretary of State &/or MP.
GP Services – Presentation to Committee on 16 June 2023
The Committee has been regularly updated with key data on access to GP’s from Wendy Balmain, North Yorkshire Place Director, Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. Wendy continues to attend Scrutiny of Health Committee meetings.
The current situation suggests:
· Access is generally good through a variety of mediums such as online appointments/face to face appointments and access to other professionals
· There is a recognised shortage of General Practitioners
· Focus is on reducing any backlog around routine reviews
· Digital technology will continue to be promoted to improve access.
Area Constituency Committees can identify areas where provision is lacking and raise with the Chair of Scrutiny of Health who can liaise with the Executive Member.
The Committee received an update on Primary Care on 16 June 2023 from Wendy and colleagues which focussed on the current progress and the plans for the remainder of the year. This was extremely interesting and informative. A discussion followed where Members asked questions, the agenda with the presentation and the subsequent minutes can be viewed below:
(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Scrutiny of Health Committee, 16/06/2023 10:00 (
Printed minutes 16th-Jun-2023 10.00 Scrutiny of Health Committee.pdf (